Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A So Real Christmas

           Life is hard, and people aren't perfect. In fact people are far from perfect. People are bad. We lie, cheat, and steal, but that's not the end of the story. There is Love. Not the fairy tale kind, or even worse the movie kind. No, there is real love. Real love isn't as glamorous as we are told to believe, but it does cover over a multitude of flaws. Real love is Clint Eastwood in a cowboy movie, it is Bruce Willis in Die Hard, no matter how beaten down it gets it will rise again. When I started this blog, of which I have given very little attention, I wanted it to have a name that would encompass most of what I would post. That is why I choose the name Reborn, that is what love is, that is what true life is, a Rebirth.

          For many Christmas is far from the happiest time of the year. It instead is just a reminder of what they wish they had and the fairy tale their life isn't. In a year that has brought in my life more difficultly than ease, more strife than peace, I still celebrate Christmas. I don't do so in a bubble, pretending that there is nothing bad, difficult, or scary in life. I don't put on my Sunday best and fake a smile, but I do put my worries aside. Not because of appearances, or a desire for even one day to be perfect, and unfortunately not because I have forgotten the hard things in my life. I put them aside because today, more than any other day I remember there is something greater. Something so beautiful, and majestic it shines through the dirtiest of lenses. I am of course talking about the son of God who we celebrate in this season how He reached out to all of us, but I am not only talking about Him. I am also talking about love.

          Yesterday my greatest Christmas gift was celebrating love, the love my brother +Doy Demsick  has for his, as of today, fiancé Emily. We are going to be soon adding another Demsick to the now female populated Demsick family. I couldn't be happier, I love my brother, his bride to be, and I still I love that it comes in different shapes and sizes, that it can be given in many different ways. I love that it can be shared, and that it spreads. I felt like I was getting a gift when Doy shared with me about his engagement. Not just because I was getting a sister but because his joy spread to me. I love that it surprises you, and out of no where lifts your spirits. My favorite thing about love is that it isn't in a vacuum or found in empty halls. It isn't for the perfect, it isn't a thing of perfection it's a thing of redemption. So to those who don't believe in love, feel they don't deserve it, or aren't a recipient of it, remember what love is. Remember that love is more about giving, not the receiving. Remember that God wasn't ignorant of the filth of this world when He sent His son to die for it. Remember the goodness in life that endures the dark days. I don't know what this new year we shall soon begin will bring, but I know love will be there; enduring. I know that we can bring the love, even when others don't, and I know that ultimately love wins.

I blog with BE Write

I blog with BE Write

I blog with BE Write

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